We spent at least the first 9 weeks of school being inspired by Native American artists and art forms for part of our district's Cultural Heritage focus. Jewelry is always a popular option with students, even 6th graders who are sometimes starting to get "too cool for school". I found several examples of really beautiful, colorful jewelry made by Native American artists in the Southwest Pueblos and came up with a project inspired by the stone inlaid jewelry using mostly recycled or very low cost supplies.

Matboard Scraps (cut into geometric shapes)
Aluminum Foil (cut big enough to leave 1/2 inch border on all sides of matboard)
Masking Tape
Mod Podge
Mod Podge brushes
Paper Clips
Glue Gun
Yarn or String for hanging

Here are the simple steps:
- Choose a piece of matboard and wrap it tightly with foil, "like a present", shiny side out.
- Tape edges of foil down on back, write name on masking tape.
- Scan magazines for "swatches" of interesting color and texture.
- Cut magazine swatches into shapes and arrange on top of foil-covered matboard. Experiment with how much space to leave between shapes for different looks.
- When happy with arrangement, use a mod podge sandwich to glue and seal magazine shapes- mod podge, paper, modpodge. Coat entire surface of jewelry with mod podge.
- When dry, use a glue gun to affix a paper clip hanger to the back. You can break a paper clip in half and get two hangers out of it.
- Choose a piece of yarn or string long enough to fit over your head once tied, slip it through, tie, and enjoy!

I wish I would have taken more time photographing- that shiny foil was tricky!
Here are my examples. This was a lot of fun!
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