Monday, July 1, 2019

Fine Arts Night

When I started teaching at this school the art show was held at the same time as the awards and spring activities night. We set up the show during the school day and then my principal and I had to take it all down at the end of the night since it was held in the gym and would need to be out of the way for graduation on Sunday. Last year I asked about moving the art show to the same evening as the spring concert and calling it Fine Arts Night. This year I took it a step further, inspired by art teacher Shawny  Montgomery, and encouraged the advanced seniors to set up a display of their best work from high school. 
Next year I plan to make it part of their final to create an invitation to give to family and friends, set up the display, and attend to be able to talk to people about their art. We may even get punch and cookies- this year it fell the same week I had pneumonia so it was pretty simple. 

Do you do anything special with your seniors at the end of the year art show?

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