Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Dot Day 2014: Staff Participation

Last year as part of our Dot Day celebration, I asked other staff members at my primary school to make "Celebridots". I figured they are like the celebrities to the students so it made sense! The main reason I wanted to convince them to make art is that I think it's GREAT for students to see other adults besides the art teacher doing creative things. This year in my email request I included a little speech about not being allowed to say they're "not creative" because it gives students permission to make the same excuse. I love seeing the Celebridots, especially because it lets me learn something more about my coworkers than I can learn from the 5 second interaction when they pick up or drop off their classes. Check out some of the dots!
Theme: Junk Drawer. I love it!
 Can you guess which was made by our new music teacher? :)
This teacher knew we are learning about India so she made a mandala design in her dot. 
Appropriate for a school in Kansas...
And this textured monogram was the favorite of students! I let several classes vote on a favorite and that teacher will get a prize of some sort. I haven't decided what it will be yet. Congratulations, Mrs.Plemons!
A new addition to this year's Dot Day celebration was a spirit day. Yesterday students and staff were invited to wear dot clothing to celebrate. After school I convinced some of the staff members to show up for a picture. Check out all the awesome dots! I'm so proud of the participation we had this year and know we can keep growing Dot Day. I'll also be drawing a name of a staff member who participated in the spirit day for a prize and I'm going to "cook up" a little thank you for those that made a dot.


  1. What a great idea, getting teachers involved. I may steal this idea for next year!!!!!
