Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Setting Goals and Turning 25

In just over a month, I will turn 25.  I have been trying to think of some sort of goal for the year.  I tried a PROJECT 365 in 2010 but abandoned it about halfway through because I was sick and worn out from my pregnancy.  I want to set a goal that is challenging but achievable and focused on making Art.  I really think it is important for Art teachers to make our own Art.  Now I just have to do it in stolen moments after my little guy is sleeping.  I thought about doing another Project 365 but I want this to be enjoyable not stressful.  While I take photos almost everyday, I don't do things half way and can just picture myself scrambling trying to find something to make a good photograph of when I should be in bed at night.  I'm thinking my goal might be to make 25 pieces of Art over the 52 weeks.  That is about one piece every 2 weeks.  It could be a photo that I'm particularly proud of, painting, collage, anything.  As long as it's Art that I'm making for my own purposes, not for a lesson plan!  It seems doable at this point.

Do any of you set goals for your Art making?


  1. I do. I've tried quantifying the goals and having a set number--that does NOT work for me. I have to be in a certain mood to create art. For me it works to just commit to actually creating when that mood strikes (instead of just thinking about it). It also helps me to keep my art making stuff out where I can just walk over, sit down and draw or paint without having to get out a bunch of supplies. I keep it all on a small drawing board on one corner of a table that is already set up. That has made huge difference!! This year I also committed to being a part of the Sketchbook Challenge (don't know if they will continue it next year) and that has also made a huge difference. It is a "no pressure" commitment--just put something in your sketchbook when you feel like it and post to their Flickr account if you want. They announce a different theme for each month. (There is a link on the bottom of the sidebar on my blog if you are interested.) It has motivated me to do more than the sketchbook and get back into watercolors this year and I love that!

    Good luck with your goal setting (although with a new baby and a job I can see that it may be real challenge to find the time to complete a lot of art). I'd be satisfied with a few pieces by the end of the year, I think. Have you thought of incorporating your love of photography with documenting times with your baby?? That might accomplish two goals at one time!!

  2. I do a photo shoot of my son every month so he definitely shows up in my photography! I figured since I'm not limiting myself to 25 "paintings" it should be doable. I'll count photos that I consider "art" and not just snapshots. :)

  3. I'm working on a textural collage painting thing - slowly - but in the meantime even though I don't have a great camera, I'm taking photos every chance I get. Plus I play with my beads, and doodle, and sew, and ... so hopefully I'm staying creative but I don't worry about setting deadlines for myself. I'd be disappointed if I couldn't keep them.

  4. I have been wanting to do the 365 project! I too started 365 and lasted maybe only 2weeks. Theyre weren't really any good photos coming out of the 365, I wanted them to each have a concept and they didnt have one. I find it is hard to find the time to create your own art. Most art I create is for demos for the students. But I have a new goal this year, I am actually teaching part time and opening art studio and gallery in Concordia, KS. So if you do find the time to create some art and want to display it in a gallery shoot me an email let me know if you start the 365 again, i would like to see them! :)

  5. i was lost for years in the commissions i was doing for others. truth be told, it also had a lot to do with my sons being babies! so now, while i don't have a specific number goal, i always make sure i have at least 1 piece in the rotation that is my own work. good luck!

  6. I am currently an art education student (going through a pre-teaching observation right now) and I do not make many goals for my own art, other than: Get the assignment done on time!

    I really like to work on my own things, but with art school, its hard to find time to yourself that you can just do your own thing. A sketchbook is a must because it is the only thing that is truly your own ideas without assignments!

  7. @Phyl- I'm one of those rare people who really enjoy deadlines! They help me focus. Just heard a quote at a meeting this morning: "A goal is a dream with a deadline."

    @jaeartworks- That's a good way to do it!

    @Miss Breault- Thanks, I will keep that in mind!

    @Andi W- I can totally relate! When I was working on my degree I spent so much time working on my studio assignments there wasn't really time left for anything else. I would just jot down a note and a sketch when I had an idea and pull it out when I had time to work on it!

  8. Oh my, we must be in the same mindset this week. I just made a new post and then I came over to read yours. Yes to making our own art and not lesson plans! BTW, 25 is great!

  9. Congrats on turning 25! As someone who will be 26 in 2 months, I'm jealous- 25 was fantastic!

    I think your idea for 25 works of art is a great goal- I need to do something similar. Whatever you decide keep us updated, and good luck!

  10. Congratulations on setting an artistic goal. Last year, I had a similar realization that I was always creating art for someone else, and never for the love of simply doing it for myself. This year, I established a blog called, which acts as an encouragement for me to create art, whether it be as simple as a mustard design on a sandwich, or a full oil painting. My life is busy like every one elses, but it is fun to see that I have kept my creative fires burning through the year.
