Wednesday, July 19, 2017

YouTube in the Art Room

I'm sure most art teachers have used YouTube to show the occasional video to students. But have you used it to share your own videos?
Last spring I decided that in the coming school year I wanted to create pathways so my advanced students who don't know what they want to do can click on ceramics, for example, and be presented with project prompts, resources, and tutorials. I figured I would link to websites and youtube videos and create some of my own. Then I started thinking about how else YouTube could be utilized...

One of the assignments I gave my intro classes last year was to document the process of a project from start to finish. There were options as far as how to do it but many chose the Stop Motion option. I showed them an example I had created and they turned in their videos. Why not post their videos on a classroom YouTube? (I have a social media section on a permission form I send home at the beginning of the year).

My Computer Graphics class was given a motion graphics assignment so I posted one of the videos there, too.

Here is one of my first demo videos. I'm hoping to get some more made before school starts and may have a student help film some of my demos throughout the year. I just have to figure out if there's a way to get the videos to the students through our filters.

In the art teachers facebook group, I saw a post about having ceramics students create videos for a process they had learned earlier. There was a really good video on making a textured tumbler and I thought what a great way for students to show what they know! This may become an option for my students as well.


  1. Brilliant! May I ask what software you use for the Stop Motion option? Nice to see you online, even out of the school year...hope you're enjoying your summer!

    1. We use the free Stop Motion studio app. You have to be sure to take the photos IN the app because you can't import with the free version. It's super easy and I enjoy using it.

  2. I love this idea for so many reasons!!
