We're taking a break from choice-based art as my student teacher has different requirements for her student teaching experience so I thought it would be nice to look back at some examples of projects my 3rd graders were working on in the 2nd 9 weeks of school. I get excited when I can see the students using concepts we practiced on their own, like when we talked about showing "space" in artwork. The student above made a wax resist painting of a mama and baby horse with patterns, depth, and shadows.
Next, we have two more examples of depth. The flag has layers in the landscape behind and the second project uses depth to create the illusion of form. I don't remember the exact story, but I'm thinking it had something to do with Minecraft.
Students reflect on choice projects with artist statements. The forms work well for most students, but some get a little repetitive.
I made... I made a self portrait.
Something I want everyone to notice is... I made a self portrait. It's a picture of myself.
I have a different form for 4th-6th grade students, but I give them the choice of using the form or writing a paragraph. Some kids want specific questions to answer, others prefer to write with a looser prompt of "tell me about your artwork". The kids who choose to write a paragraph usually finish a lot faster than those following the form. I will probably keep tweaking the form to make sure they are being thorough but try to expedite the process.
Here's a cool layered fantasy landscape with crayons and watercolors. Love that colorful dragon!
I'm pretty sure this painting was inspired by Big Hero 6. This student really worked to improve his craftsmanship after our first critique.
This student practiced using a delicate touch and a tiny paintbrush to add blades of grass around her bunny and flowers.
These two artists both love to make detailed pencil drawings and add color with crayons. Their art usually tells some sort of a story, either as a freeze frame or arrows to direct the action. One usually draws animals, the other often wants to draw Godzilla. I'm anxious to see what they create with my student teacher.
Thanks for sharing! I love to see kids' drawings :)