Saturday, November 8, 2014

International Dot Day

K-3rd grade students all worked on "dots" at the beginning of the school year and this year I wanted to make sure we did something fun as close to International Dot Day as possible. During that class period, students could choose to work on individual projects, to work collaboratively on dot paintings, or to make their own dot with a dot template. 

I made up my own "anti-coloring" page with "International Dot Day 2014"  at the top and a big blank circle at the bottom. This was SO popular. Almost every student wanted to make a dot using this template. I also read The Dot at my local library and used the same template.
*If you've never heard of Anti Coloring Books, they're activity books with a bit of information, that ask the kids to think and be creative instead of just filling in someone else's drawing.

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