Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Dot Day- Staff "Celebridots"

 As I was preparing to celebrate International Dot Day with students, I thought it would be fun to try to get the WHOLE school involved. I emailed all the staff members and invited them to participate by creating a "celebridot". I figured that the primary students act like teachers are celebrities so it would be appropriate. :)
I made a simple template with a blank circle and "International Dot Day 'Celebridot' by _____________" at the top. I put one in every mailbox even though I knew I wouldn't get 100% participation. I only bugged reminded them about their dots a few times and I was so pleased with how many participated! There were some very creative dots and I think it was good for the students to see evidence of their teachers' creativity.

Some of the staff members made their dots at home and let their children help. We had dots created digitally, through painting, drawing, collage, fibers, scrapbooking, and some had 3D elements. 
 It looks like this Kindergarten teacher had a little help from her students in creating her dot.
I tried to get a "Dot" spirit day after the students and I kept noticing all the dots we found on clothing. It didn't go through, probably because the date I asked for ended up being picture day. I went ahead and wore my dot shirt anyway. You can't see it very well in my picture (in front of a giant color wheel dot), but it's one of my favorite Simply Vera watercolor-ish tanks with loose circles all over it. Students always ask if I painted them myself!
Next year I hope to get a Dot Day spirit day and even more participation from staff. I may have to come up with some fun incentives...


  1. Love the staff involvement! This was my first year to participate in Dot Day, so I just involved the students, but I may see what our staff can do next year, too.

  2. I tried a staff project at the beginning of the year and it didn't work out as I planned - I think it was too early in the year and people were too busy to come to my room. I like your idea better- putting it in their box to do on their own - I'll remember that next time!
