Friday, April 19, 2013

Greg Percy is coming!

I'm really excited that in one week, Greg Percy of Songs in the Key of Art will be visiting my schools! Last fall I wrote a grant to a foundation that raises money for my school district and they were really excited about the idea. We originally tried to find a way to benefit all the elementary students in the district but with 7 schools there were just too many students and too many bussing issues to be feasible. I wanted to make sure that the students would be familiar with some of his songs so each grade worked on a lesson that tied in to a different song. The pictures in this post are from the bulletin board at my primary school. I apologize for not checking the quality in my rush to get pictures after school!
I made a guitar for each song/grade and wrote part of the lyrics to explain. 
The Red and Yellow Blues...
 Secondary Samba...
 From Matisse to You...
Tints and Shades (can't remember if this is the real title, but it's the concept!)

I can't wait to write more about this and share some pictures after the visit next Friday!


  1. You and your students are sure to love his program. It's been many years since he visited my school, but I remember how much the kids liked his music. It was fun when he brought the American Gothic painting to life by dressing up two students from the audience. Nice job on your guitar posters to promote his appearance.

  2. Hi Katie-

    This is really cool! Nice job on the guitars...

    See you on Friday!

    Greg P
