I get it now! I used to think Twitter was silly, like only status updates from Facebook with lots of #WeirdPhrasesWithPoundSignsInFrontOfThem. I am transitioning into the role of webmaster for Kansas Art Education Association and we discussed that KAEA should probably have a presence on Twitter as well as on Facebook. I mean it's just another technology tool in this ever-more-connected world! I started exploring and now I really enjoy Twitter, I "get" it!
I follow art museums, artists, educational groups, and a couple just for fun (like Conan!) If you have never looked around Twitter, take a peak! You might find something you like. And, if you are a Twitterer, (is that a word?) I invite you to follow me @MrsMorris_Art. If you use Twitter for Art or Education, let me know and I'll follow you!
Thanks so much for posting on this, Katie. Twitter has been off my radar for many of the reasons you listed, but now I'm so eager to check it out and I will definitely be following your posts. I feel like you've opened up a whole new world of technology for me.