Saturday, October 28, 2017

KAEA Conference 2017 & What I Wish I Knew When I Started Teaching

Last weekend I attended the Kansas Art Education Association Fall Conference in McPherson. I so look forward to the conference every year and it always seems to have good timing, right when I need to recharge, get some new ideas, and reconnect with my art friends!

This year I presented 2 workshops on my own and was part of a panel for new teachers.

The first workshop I presented was on tactile paintings inspired by Andy Lakey.
The second was on layered monoprints with gelli plates.

I took some awesome workshops as well, including one about different ceramic surface techniques and one on black and white dry brush painting.

The panel I was a part of was "Help, I'm a New Teacher!" We had a good group of first year teachers and pre-service art educators. We started off by listing 5 things we wish we knew as new teachers or have learned since. Here are my 5.
  1. You don't have to fit one label/pedagogy. Listen, learn, and pull what works best for you, your students, and your school.
  2. Find a way to advocate and advertise your program, whether it's through social media (like my school instagram), Artsonia, your district newsletter, or local newspaper. Focus on the students- it's easier to brag on them than on yourself.
  3. Not everyone is going to like you all the time, even if you haven't done anything wrong. You are not pizza, you can't make everyone happy.
  4. Don't be afraid to ask for things. Be prepared, state your reasons, and do you best. If they say no, at least you tried.
  5. It's ok to change your plans if something isn't working!
What would be on your list of things you've learned?

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