Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Toddler Collage

One of my favorite parts about being a mom is making art with my 3 year old. Lately he's more interested in activities like building with blocks and using clay, but sometimes he will try something 2-Dimensional for a few minutes.
We had cool painted paper scraps from decorations for my mom's 50th birthday party so I thought my oldest might have fun cutting them up and making his first collage. He had gotten ahold of my big scissors before (briefly) but I had never given him small scissors before. The scissors in the picture were kind of hard for him to use. You can squeeze them but not open wider. I don't know why I bought them. I think I just saw "small" and grabbed the scissors near the other supplies I was checking out. I've since replaced them with regular fiskars scissors. 

 I usually get out a whole tub of art supplies so he can choose what to use. I suggested that he try cutting and it wasn't a big hit, possibly because of the hard to use scissors. He did make a few cuts and I showed him how to use a glue stick to stick them to the paper. That day he was much more interested in the My First Crayola crayons and markers I purchased a couple years ago. The supplies are designed for a palm grip so they're great for toddlers. They also look like animals so he will play with them in addition to making marks.
 He started making up a story about the animals and his cousins going to the swimming pool.
 Here is the final product, his first collage. I'm looking forward to many, many more years of family art-making.
It looks like the design of the product has updated since I purchased our "my first Crayola" supplies. I can't find the exact same crayons and markers but there are similar ones here:

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